이 세상에 존재하는 모든 것이 충만하기를.
오늘, 가장 고난 받는 존재에게
한 걸음 더 다가가 주세요.
울진 산불 속 도살장에서 구사일생 살아나 먹을 것조차 없이 비밀한 탈출을 감행한 누렁이 100명을 도울 수 있는 방법은 아래 4가지가 있습니다.
1.누렁이 정회원 가입 (누렁이들이 평균 수명 10년을 살 때까지 안정적인 치료, 관리에 도움을 주실 수 있습니다) 👉
프로필 링크 클릭
2.사료 일괄 구매해 주기 (업체 전용 통장으로 비용 넣어주기-> 매달 먹는 사료 2톤. 양질의 일정한 사료를 저렴하게 구매해 주실 수 있습니다. 2천원부터 무제한) 👉
@care_korea_official 프로필링크클릭
🌟사료 구매 계좌번호: 농협 355-0077-8335-13 주식회사이노바이오
사업자등록번호 296-87-00265
3.비건샴푸셋트 공동구매 (네이버 최저가보다 거의 50프로 할인된 금액, 이 기회 놓치지 마세요) 👉
@care_korea_official 프로필 링크 클릭
4.카카오단톡방 참여해 함께 연대하기 (오픈채팅방명: 옐로우독100)
Christmas is not just for humans.
We shall bless and take care of every suffering creature in this world. Please take one step closer to them.
There are four ways to support a hundred Uljin Tosa dogs who miraculously survived the wildfire and were rescued from the slaughterhouse.
1. You can donate for medical treatment, fostering, or oversea adoption of Uljin rescue dogs: You can make a one-time donation(일시기부) or a monthly donation(정기기부) via PayPal. Or please click the link in our profile
2. You can support us with the cost of dog food: If you send money to the dog food company, starting from 2,000 won, we will be able to receive larger quantities of dog food at a lower price. Please click the link in our profile.
3. You can purchase vegan shampoo and cleansing foam. It is virtually a “buy one, get one free” sale, and all proceeds will be spent on animals we rescue and protect. It is a great opportunity to get these products at a discounted price and also sponsor rescue animals. If you are interested: Please click the link in our profile
4. You can join a Kakao open chat and band together: 옐로우독100 (Yellow Dogs 100)
💙 We present you a photo of Annie, who was injured by the fire but was rescued by us with her family. Annie’s siblings and friends are still struggling in poor surroundings.
💙 For more information about Care’s rescue dogs, please visit @care_korea_global