신규 회원님들은 새 웹사이트의 후원페이지를 이용해주세요!

동물치료기금 후원 공구

<찬스 할인! 후원공구>
“구조동물을 도와주세요. 치료비 1000 만원이 밀려 있습니다.”

활동가들은 박봉에도 불구하고 단체가 어렵다며, 사비로 동물들을 치료하고 있기도 합니다.

🔮비건 화장품 기업 <새실로>에서 비건 샴푸와 클렌징 폼을 후원해 주셨습니다. 시중 가격 신경 쓰지 말고 마음대로 사용하라며 감사하게도 많은 양을 후원해 주셨습니다. 비건 샴푸는 탈모 방지도 되는 비건들에게 매우 사랑받는 고가의 제품입니다.

네이버 판매가격보다 거의 50프로 가까이 할인된 금액으로 판매합니다. 또는 비건 화장품에 클렌징 폼까지 따라오는 일거양득의 기회! 1+1
이 기회를 놓치지 마시고, 위급한 동물 치료비에 참여해 주시면 감사하겠습니다~ 💝연말 선물용으로도 gogo🎁🛍🎀

구매는👉 @care_korea_official 프로필에서 링크 클릭 or


동물후원 #동물돕기 #크리스마스선물 #연말선물 #비건 #비건화장품 #비건샴푸 #케어 #구조동물

CARE is in a difficult financial situation to the extent that we are short of about 10 million won for the medical treatment of rescue dogs. Please support the rescue animals.

Despite our financial hardship, Care has rescued animals in need without turning a blind eye. As a result, we have got late charges for medical expenses of about 10 million won. No matter how much we set our mind to limit the number of rescues, we continue to face animals in need of urgent rescue because we frequently visit dog farms and slaughterhouses. Despite their low income, activists understand our financial situation and often willingly pay for the medical expense of animals themselves.

🔮Thankfully, vegan cosmetics company <Cecilo> sponsored us with a large amount of vegan shampoo and cleansing foam. Vegan shampoo –which is known for preventing hair loss- is a very expensive product widely loved by vegans. These products are on sale with a nearly 50 percent discount compared to the selling price you can find on Naver Shopping. It is virtually a “buy one, get one free” sale.

It is a great opportunity to get these products at a discounted price and also sponsor rescue animals for their medical treatment.

🙏🏻 To buy vegan shampoo+cleansing foam: please click the link in our profile
🙏🏻 To make a donation for medical treatment, fostering, or adoption of rescue dogs: You can make a one-time donation(일시기부) or a monthly donation(정기기부) via PayPal. Please click the link in our profile
💙 For more information about Care’s rescue dogs, please visit @care_korea_global

케어 정기후원 (정회원·천사단·힐링센터·대부대모)

후원문의: 02-313-8886 내선 2번, care@fromcare.org

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